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Working Mother

Sunday 9 November 2014

It is that time ...

It's going to be tough getting back into the work routine I had before my son was born. When you have a baby and are on maternity leave, your days change completely. That's not to say that being a stay-at-home mom is easy- it's the hardest job I've ever had! However, it has also been the most rewarding job. I am so fortunate to have had the year to watch my son grow.

I think that the most difficult part of going back to work will be leaving my son at daycare. I am used to waking up at early hours, so that won't be too much of a change. But seeing my son less during the weekdays will be a huge transition for sure, for both of us. I have noticed that he now realizes when I leave the house or leave the room, and he clings to me more. But being around other children his age and interacting with them will be good for him, and I am sure that he will get used to the routine in no time. 

In the meantime, I will enjoy every moment that I spend with my son during the day! 

Happy Holidays!!!

It is unbelievable how fast Christmas is approaching. Then again, there is over a month to go. But the decorations are already up in the malls, and stores are selling them. The day after Halloween, the leftover candy was pushed aside to make room for Christmas lights and ornaments on the shelves.

Time flies! 

This year I am in the holiday spirit, and I'm looking forward to decorating the house. We have an artificial tree which is easy to put together, take down, and store- and creates no mess. But real trees are beautiful, so we may consider trying that option and making a family day out of it. 

Walking around the stores, some decorations are so expensive. But at the Dollar-store, there are so many cute things you can get for cheap. After all, everything will eventually come down in a few weeks. Dollar store decorations are less costly, look great, and if anything gets lost or broken between this year and the next it doesn't matter as much because it can easily be replaced the day after next halloween!

Trying out the Pizzelle Maker

The other day my mom showed me her old pizzelle maker that she hadn’t used in years. Pizzelle are a popular Italian dessert. As shown in the picture, they are round, flat cookie-like baked goods that have unique patterns.
I took the pizzelle maker home to give it a try. It is pretty easy to use, much like a waffle maker. I have included a picture of what the machine looks like.
One cool idea that my sister shared with me was to make cannoli shells with the pizzelle maker. As soon as the pizelle are done, and before they cool, you can roll them into a shell and fill them with lemon, ricotta, or custard filling. It’s a delicious and easy way to make fancy-looking desserts for family and friends.

I could not find the recipe my mom used, but I found a great one online (by Mario Batali) that must have been similar at the following link:
I suggest you try out this simple and delicious recipe that everyone seems to love!


Please note...

Some photos on the blog are not all of mine. Some pictures have been from other sites.