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Working Mother

Monday 27 October 2014

Hello October!

I cannot believe how beautiful this fall weather has been this far, that is, I don't want to speak too soon!

But September and October have been absolutely gorgeous weather months, and so I am still taking advantage while it lasts!

Nearly everyday in the summer I went for a walk or a jog with my son in his stroller. I took him around the block, or (depending on his behaviour or how I felt) we would go a few kilometers further than usual. The movement would help him fall asleep, or he would stay awake but watch the moving world pass by him and enjoy the sights.

Going for my daily outing has provided me with a routine and structure for my days at home, when I am not following a work schedule. It is a healthy stress-reliever and a great way to bond with my son as well.

Let's hope that I can keep it up for a few weeks more thanks to this lovely season!

What to Avoid Feeding your Little One

It is so scary to think about my son having an allergic reaction. But now that he is one years old, I am able to introduce him to foods that he was not able to have before.

For anyone who has little ones below the age of 1, here is just a reminder of the foods that should be avoided:

Newborn to 4-6 months- the baby should only be drinking milk or formula

4 to 12 months- cow's milk or soy milk should be avoided, as these are allergy-inducing.

Honey- should be avoided before one years old because it may contain the bacterium responsible for botulism that babies cannot destroy in their tummies.

Peanut butter- not only because it is a common allergen, but because it is too sticky for babies to swallow.

Even though my son can eat a lot more foods these days, I am still always watching when he eats and making sure that he is not consuming any small, sticky foods that may be choking hazards. I also avoid turning on the TV when he is eating so that he is not distracted and can focus on chewing and swallowing properly.

For more information about what foods to try and avoid at different ages, I found this to be a helpful site:

Pros and Cons of Having A Sandbox

My son received a birthday gift from my parents that I was not too thrilled with - a sandbox. Well, it's the container for a sandbox that has to be filled still with actual sand. And even though the summer is far behind us, I couldn't help but consider whether I should keep it or not.

My husband had mentioned getting a sandbox for our son to play in but I was not a fan of the idea. I was paranoid that he would eat the sand or get it in his eyes, and that animals and insects could get into it. But my husband and nephews have talked me into keeping this gift and the more I looked into it, the more I saw that they are right.

Firstly, by next summer the baby will be old enough to play in a sandbox, which will provide a new activity to do during the long summer days in the backyard. It will allow him to pass the time and be imaginative. It can also help him develop problem solving skills such as measurement, etc.

It will also help to build his immune system. If I keep him isolated and prevent him from doing the things that little boys like to do-get messy and play with dirt-he may be timid and unadventurous in the future. Children should be exposed to the outdoors as much as possible, and a sandbox will ensure this. As long as I am sure to maintain the sand, and keep it covered and clean there is no danger. And when the little one does get dirty, he can wash off in his kiddy pool.

Lastly, the sandbox that we got isn't too large and can be stored and cleaned easily.

So, I have lost this latest battle but at least there is still many months until it is warm enough to play in the backyard again!

The sandbox we got looks like the one shown below:

photo source:

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Four Tips on Little Toddlers Activities


  1. Plan for them to put it in their mouth if you have a mouth  
  2. Expect a toddler to be interested, leave it out for them to come back to later, or even the next day   
  3.  Don’t do an activity with an intentional plan, it never works out with this age range
  4.  Allow your toddler to explore whatever it is that you give them.  

Monday 13 October 2014

Balancing School, Work, and Home Life

It was not an easy decision to go back to school during my first year as a first-time mom. I weighed  the decision for quite a while. However, the pros seemed greater than the cons. I would not have been able to attend classes or finish assignments when my son was younger. But now he is one years old and will be going to daycare soon when I start work in a few weeks. If I had to go to school when he was not in daycare already, I would not do it. I would feel too guilty to leave him when I was able to stay home with him during his first year. So much development happens in that first year, and I would hate to miss all of the milestones. It is important to take the time and grow that special bond between mother and child.

Since I am going back to work, though, I know that he would be going to daycare anyways. Also, I managed to find classes that take place when my husband is home from work. They are only a few times a week, and I am taking on a part-time load. That's not to say being a part-time student is easy, but it allows me more time to be home after work and when my husband is home- this way the 3 of us can spend quality time together.

What's more, I am not going to school for the sheer fun of it. I am furthering my education, which in turn will help make me better at my job, which helps to support my family. Getting an education is something that nobody can ever take away from you, and will benefit you in the long run.

I know that my son is too little to understand now, but I hope that I am setting an example for him when he gets older- that you can always accomplish what you put your mind to, no matter how old you are.

It is definitely a delicate and at times stressful balance to handle school, work, and family. But family always comes first, and if you manage your time wisely you will be able to manage just like I am.

New Ideas for an Old Tradition

What better way to celebrate the fall season with your little ones than to carve pumpkins! My son can't join in on this activity just yet, but I still have fun with it!

I came across a cute idea online, for a new and creative pumpkin carving idea-- A Cookie Monster!

Not only is this a fun and easy way to do an old activity- but a practical one too!

Cookie Monster All you need is blue spray paint, a pair of ping pong balls, and a black marker... oh, and cookies.

I got this idea from while browsing online. Check out their other imaginative ideas for pumpkin carving.

DIY Halloween Costume Ideas

Halloween is still a few weeks away, but as a new mom I am excited to think about costume ideas for my son's first Halloween! He won't understand what is going on, but I can still have fun with it.

Since I'm crafty, I'll be making a handmade costume for the little guy. Plus, I always wore handmade costumes when I went Trick or Treating as a kid. I came across two really cute ideas online, that I think I can do. I'll have to choose just one, but here are the best ideas I've seen so far:

Charlie Brown- perfect if your baby doesn't have hair just yet! Check out other costume ideas for bad babies at

Charlie Brown for Halloween + 22 other bald baby costumes

Cotton Candy Baby- Too cute! Find instructions at 

Stay tuned to see which I pick. 

Price Matching

Price Matching can save you time and money.  You no longer have to go to store to store to get the best price.  You can do a one stop shop that allows you to Price Match, Receive 10% off final price and collect points.

Superstore offers all three items listed above.

Price Matching is a wonderful tool at the Superstore.  I receive flyer's on a weekly basis.  I then go through the flyer's and write down the items I need.  In order to be time management at the store, prior to going shopping the list I make consist of the name of the store the item that I am price matching the cost of the item, and the page number.  In addition, when I am shopping, I separate the items on my cart that are going to be priced matched.   Please note if you want to use your phone to show the product on your app you can.

The Superstore promotes students to purchase there goods on Tuesday to receive a 10% discount on the final price.  Because I am a student I am able to take advantage of this program.

Superstore has points member program for free that allows you to collect points on selective items.  Prior to shopping I download my offers and collect points.

In addition, Superstore also has a board of coupons.  I use the coupons when the items are on sale to receive the most savings.

One day I experienced an "Extreme Couponing" moment.  I used price matching, coupons and points,  My bill was $100.00 and I only spent $20.00.  That is an 80% savings.

How to save money on clothes

Now is the time to buy clothes for your children for the following year.  Last year I purchased clothes that would be in his age bracket for this year.  I was able to purchase winter clothes for him that would average to less then five dollars.  I was able to purchase the close at clearance prices.  The key is to remember where I stored the clothes for the following year.

Sunday 5 October 2014

First Birthday "Smash Cake"

For my son's 1st birthday, I thought it would be a cute idea to give him a "smash cake" of his very own. So, I made a small cake from the box, with a big "#1" candle in the middle of it. Then, we let the little guy go at it while we sang "Happy Birthday". At first, he seemed a bit stunned and confused that we were actually letting him make a mess! But then he went for it, and took apart the cake slowly but surely as everyone watched and laughed. 

It was hilarious, and a great little thing you can do at your young child's birthday too...let's just hope they don't get used the idea of smashing their food all the time!!

photo source:     

Birthday Party Decor

Below are two of the decorations I set up for my son's first birthday party. It was a gathering of our closest family and friends. I know some people who rented a hall for a first birthday, but that seemed over the top for us. Luckily we had enough space to host our own fun time!

The first decoration is a Happy Birthday banner. I ran out of time, but it is possible to make a similar banner by hand. All you would have to do is cut triangular paper or felt shapes and add a letter to each.

The second decoration shown is a small mural I made. I used a plain table cloth as the backdrop, and displayed enlarged photos of my son during each month of his first year. To make it more colourful, I used a different coloured piece of paper behind each photo. To attach it to the wall, I used paint-friendly tape that my husband already had and I'm sure can be found in any craft supply store. I got the most compliments for this hard-to-miss display.

One of the decorations not shown here is a sign I made for my son's highchair. I bought a hula skirt at the Dollarstore and since it has an elastic waistband, I could pull it over the front of the highchair and it stayed in place. Then I just made felt cutouts of the word "ONE" and glue-gunned it to the front of the skirt.

Please note...

Some photos on the blog are not all of mine. Some pictures have been from other sites.