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Working Mother

Monday 13 October 2014

Balancing School, Work, and Home Life

It was not an easy decision to go back to school during my first year as a first-time mom. I weighed  the decision for quite a while. However, the pros seemed greater than the cons. I would not have been able to attend classes or finish assignments when my son was younger. But now he is one years old and will be going to daycare soon when I start work in a few weeks. If I had to go to school when he was not in daycare already, I would not do it. I would feel too guilty to leave him when I was able to stay home with him during his first year. So much development happens in that first year, and I would hate to miss all of the milestones. It is important to take the time and grow that special bond between mother and child.

Since I am going back to work, though, I know that he would be going to daycare anyways. Also, I managed to find classes that take place when my husband is home from work. They are only a few times a week, and I am taking on a part-time load. That's not to say being a part-time student is easy, but it allows me more time to be home after work and when my husband is home- this way the 3 of us can spend quality time together.

What's more, I am not going to school for the sheer fun of it. I am furthering my education, which in turn will help make me better at my job, which helps to support my family. Getting an education is something that nobody can ever take away from you, and will benefit you in the long run.

I know that my son is too little to understand now, but I hope that I am setting an example for him when he gets older- that you can always accomplish what you put your mind to, no matter how old you are.

It is definitely a delicate and at times stressful balance to handle school, work, and family. But family always comes first, and if you manage your time wisely you will be able to manage just like I am.


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