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Working Mother

Monday 13 October 2014

DIY Halloween Costume Ideas

Halloween is still a few weeks away, but as a new mom I am excited to think about costume ideas for my son's first Halloween! He won't understand what is going on, but I can still have fun with it.

Since I'm crafty, I'll be making a handmade costume for the little guy. Plus, I always wore handmade costumes when I went Trick or Treating as a kid. I came across two really cute ideas online, that I think I can do. I'll have to choose just one, but here are the best ideas I've seen so far:

Charlie Brown- perfect if your baby doesn't have hair just yet! Check out other costume ideas for bad babies at

Charlie Brown for Halloween + 22 other bald baby costumes

Cotton Candy Baby- Too cute! Find instructions at 

Stay tuned to see which I pick. 


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